
Amber Friedman

Ambassador of Fun
on LinkedIn

Hiring Devaney as my coach is one of the best financial and personal decisions I’ve ever made. I work in sales and started with her after the worst month of my career. Now, after 3 months into her coaching program, my sales have increased by 65% and my income has increased by 84%!! The processes, techniques, and tools she has provided me so far have helped me organize my workflow and taught me a lot of helpful things, like how to stay consistent and properly ask for referrals. During our coaching calls, she always asks me if we are heading in the right direction, which gives me the opportunity to be honest and steer our conversations in a way that I find the most helpful. I love that she is teaching me how to think like a business owner instead of an employee! Being the only female in my office, I have unique challenges that she has already helped me overcome in a big way. She has given my confidence an incredible boost by teaching me how to recognize my inner strengths and the value that I bring to my job and clients. I will be forever grateful to her for this because I believe that it doesn’t matter how many tools or techniques someone has at their disposal…if they don’t believe in themselves, they will never reach true success. I couldn’t imagine having a better coach than Devaney. I consider her a friend and feel that I can go to her for anything. She’s one of the few people in my life I can be 100% honest with and know there is no judgment. I can’t wait to see what my future holds with her guidance! Thank you for everything Devaney!!!

Stan Sayers

Stan Sayers, Director of Instruction
Colorado Golf Club

Working with Devaney Jones, as a professional business and life coach, has launched my thinking to the next level of strategy. This is especially true and powerful during this crazy down time of Quarantine2020!

Her coaching has challenged me and opened my eyes to the business strategy of “Staying in the Game” kind of thinking.

No longer am I on my own in growing my business forward.

Devaney is my coach and my business partner, and I feel the support and see the impacts in business and earnings growth – fast!

The sky is the limit when you know you’ve found the right professional coach! Do you have a coach?

Marlin Bauman

Internet Marketing and Sales
on LinkedIn

Devaney really met me where I was at and right out of the gate helped me gain clarity like never before in my business. She helped me realize that knowing my numbers on a daily basis was key to growth since then my numbers have climbed. I have also been guided in the area of shifting my mindset to having an abundant view on things and the impact that has had so far is amazing. Another area that Devaney has really helped me with that has impacted my business and personal life and that is time and schedule management. I would say the biggest areas that I see now that I didn’t before coaching with Devaney are clarity with my multi-stream income channels, willingness to leave an opportunity to go for the great, also didn’t realize I was living with a scarcity mindset and that it was holding me back from bigger success. I’m a dreamer and while she brought reality to balance my dreaming, she also incorporated the way I am wired into the marketing plan and IT integration. I would unequivocally recommend Devaney to anyone ready to increase productivity and profitability.

Jenna Alexandre

Customer Insights Specialist
on LinkedIn

Having Devaney as a coach has been a pleasure. She is like a treasure box, full of new ideas, strategies and tricks to help develop tactics to increase traction. Her positive energy and drive is contagious, pushing me to grow and learn. After starting to work with her, my confidence level increased dramatically and I feel completely ready to endeavor my new venture.

Bill Boltz

National Director of Education

Working with Devaney Jones, a professional Sales & Leadership coach, is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. She is always thoughtful, honest, precise and professional during our coaching calls.

Some coaches will discuss outlines to help individuals, but Devaney breaks this all down into workable steps to identify obstacles and challenges; and then worked with me to develop the solutions. She has helped me develop new sales and leadership strategies, along with identifying my strengths and providing guidance in the areas where some habits needed to be addressed.

She has given me clear direction and steps to improve the business portion of my responsibilities, along with improving engagement with our client accounts.

If you are interested in helping yourself and others make a difference in your career and personal life, I would recommend working with Devaney.

Joel & Michal

Bums on a Boat
Testimonial shared

Joel: “Devaney is a Guru posing as a business coach. Though she knows business growth inside and out, it is the intangible and self-growth that will blow your mind. She helped me manifest my most true and deepest desires. I only suggest working with her if you are ready to be ripped out of your comfort zone and be thrown into a vortex of growth.”

Michal: “Devaney’s super power is helping people learn how to help themselves. While she’s an excellent teacher, she isn’t there to hold your hand, rather to help you become the person you’ve always known you could be! In just one year with her, I’ve grown SO much in business sense, relationships, and personal life. The best part? I’m so clear on my goals and how to achieve them.”

To Connect with Joel & Michal and Enjoy their Sailing Journey:  https://www.youtube.com/c/BumsonaBoat

Jeanney Wharton

Multimedia Designer at PA Media Group
on LinkedIn

Devaney is one of the most dynamic business administrator’s I have ever known. Her ability to implement a business plan while always keeping a perspective on the big picture is tremendous. But what is most impressive to me is her ability to juggle many plates, many people, many directions while maintaining great organizational skills and a keen eye for the smallest of details. Devaney is without a doubt a great business woman but also a great person with a true heart. She has the ability and compassion to understand all people and guide them toward success. Her keen sense of awareness for others makes her an excellent judge of character which makes a great manager. I always enjoy working with Devaney for her humor, laughter, honesty, and ability to take care of business with pleasure. I am confident Devaney and I will share many business adventures in our life and I encourage you to experience the same.

Success Story

At the point of my greatest struggle to develop and launch the next level offering, I knew I could not waste any more time if I was to really launch my dream. I needed business and sales support. So, I decided to take action and hire a professional coach. That was in late 2018, and it was a true turning- point decision for my dream.

Meet Suzanne Smith

Suzanne’s Story:

Launching a business as a sole proprietor without a business partner for the first time is daunting. Feeling overwhelmed regularly is a very easy place to land.

Professional one-on-one coaching with Devaney Jones has made such a difference for me in moving forward from inception to prospecting to launch of my business. Before I began professional coaching, I really did not know what to do in formulating the business strategy, the steps forward, or the prospecting/ marketing/ launch of the business. In fact, I honestly did not know HOW to do it all. But, the dream inside of me was very alive!

I struggled for a few years with nothing much to show for my global business dream with all of the knowledge and the experience I knew was locked up inside of me. I have delivered training to non-profit organizations across the globe, and especially in Africa.

At the point of my greatest struggle to develop and launch the next level offering, I knew I could not waste any more time if I was to really launch my dream. I needed business and sales support. So, I decided to take action and hire a professional coach. That was in late 2018, and it was a true turning- point decision for my dream.

Devaney knows how to build a business. Period!

She broke down each piece of the action needed and held the whole picture before me. In this way, I could focus and just do my next assignment in our work together. It is a great feeling to know someone has your back when you have this huge of a dream and you’re stuck with not knowing how to get it out!

Other than the actual Marketing and Sales strategies that she has helped me with, Devaney readily understood the Sales obstacles I faced in launching my dream. She taught me about Sales physiology (the technical aspects of Sales) even as she guided me through strengthening my confidence and overcoming my fear. She is always right there to help me problem solve and make things manageable. (Of note: Devaney actually writes/edits marketing material for me when I get stuck and can’t quite make it sound right! She absolutely showcases me in a way that I marvel at; like, it all reflects ME!)

She is also the one person I know who completely believes in my dream and is constantly my encourager–helping me to remember WHY I dreamed the dream in the first place. She believes in ME and keeps me focused on the truth that not only is this plan possible, but it is my FUTURE. She knows I can do this very successfully, even when I need to be focused on bringing the dream to life!

I can be completely real with her and know she is never judging me. When I am feeling down, she consistently offers a fresh perspective, and by the end of the coaching call, I am re-energized and ready to take action with a positive attitude. She has humor and warmth, along with a lot of skill and insight. She is a great coach and mentor! I know that together, the sky is the limit for bringing my dream to life.

Suzanne Smith
Founder and Facilitator, Accountable Partners